
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

November 26, 2018

Buen día Familia!

Another week down! My new companion is Elder Kersey he is a pretty cool kid! Last week we did a lot of visiting our investagators and members! We are trying to reactivate a lot of the members. 
Last Thursday we set a baptismal date with this kid Hector! He has 15 years of age. He is a cool kid his mom and dad are members but inactive. He should be getting baptized on the 16 of December. So fingers crossed that goes well! He has another sister that can also get baptized so I'm hoping she notices the changes in his life and desires to be baptized as well! 
Saturday was the River vs Boca futbol game and so we have been asked to stay inside because of all the violoncelo and alcohol in the streets haha! 
Sunday we had 24 people attend the church! That was awesome. Me and my companion gave talks in church as always. haha. 
The weather this week has been crazy lots of rain and wind but today is pretty tranquilo! Today we are in San Martin and mas tarde we are heading to Resistencia for a consejo. We should return back to El Colorado Wednesday. All is well here. Being with Elder Kersey has been fun he teaches me a lot. He has so much animo for the mission and loves it! There is a lot of work to be done and I'm so happy to have the opportunity to be here and serve! I hope all is well back at home!

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

November 20, 2018

¡Hola familia! Otro gran semana aquí en El Colorado!

This past week was good! Tucumán was really fun. It was a lot different being in the city. We ate a lot of good food there. It was a nice break. haha But I am really excited to be back here in my area to do some work. We arrived back in our area Thursday. 
We worked that weekend and went to Resistencia Sunday for transfers. Elder Young left and I got my new companion! His name is Elder Kersey from California. He has 3 transfers left in the mission, he is a capo. He is a big kid. I like him a lot. 
Monday afternoon we took a bus back to our area and today is P-day! We should have a good transfer together. We have a mission goal right now to baptize 100 people this month and have a white Christmas. We are putting in a lot of our work. Lots of our investagators are being slow to progress. So we are going to contact and find lots more. Over all everything is good here. It's crazy Christmas is coming up! Hope all is well back at home. Sure miss everyone back at home. I love the emails!

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

November 12, 2018

Hola familia! This is going to be a quick letter. Not much has gone on we have been busy with zone meetings. Last week I was in Resistencia for most of the week. Last night we took a bus to Tucumán and we arrived here at about six or so in the morning. 12 hours bus ride haha. We are here to finish up tramites and I think we head home Wednesday. 
Last week I was only in El Colorado for 2 days and so we have A LOT of work to catch up on. Today we are going souvenir shopping. Lots of people are jealous we got to come here. I have heard lots of cool things about Tucumán. Sure miss ya guys I'll write more next week.

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

November 5, 2018

Buenas tarde famila!

This week was a crazy one. Right now I am down in Resistencia for most of the week. We have mulitzone and divisons. But this last week has been very good. Tuesday we were walking in the colonies and felt prompted to check on a old investagator. Her name is Graciella. She told us she had a dream about us and she knows it was from God. Later that night we blessed her home because her ex boyfriend talked with the devil there and the devil was really working hard on there familia. Crazy stuff I really hope she makes it to baptism. 
Wednesday we found another old investagator who was getting baptized but moved to Beunos Aires. She is 16 and has one kid, but we found her again she is here this month and we are going to put a date with her if she comes to the church. 
Thursday we gave two more blessings to our Branch Presidents daughter and wife. We also got the opportunity to help this older famila with food this week because they had no food and no job. 
Saturday we went to San Martin for a zone meeting and helped them find miembros inactivos. Sunday was fast Sunday and we had one investagator come to church. His name is Matis he is a real trouble maker but he likes me a lot so I'm trying to be his big brother. His family is a part member familia. He has a real sketchy background. Everyday here I see my spanish improving. This is truly Jesus Cristo Iglesia. It really is significante that this gospel brings true peace to everyone who lives it! I am so happy to be here right now. To anyone considering serving a mission I give my best of support! Sorry for the lack of pictures this week I didn't take many. I love and miss everyone back at home!

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

October 29, 2018

Another week down. This week was a good one. It is crazy how fast time flies here in the mission. This week we were really busy. We took the bus to Resistencia 3 times this week So lots of traveling. A lot of our lessons fell through so we found 15 nuevos we are teaching. On Wednesday we were out street contacting and this older women in her 40's called us over and was trying to set us up with her daughters. I told her the Lord has my heart for two years. haha. Then she told us the missionaries used to pass by but some are better looking than others. hahaha People here are crazy. Stake conference was this weekend and we rented a van to take people to Resistencia. We had about 18 members come so that was good. The kids were so excited because it was like a little vacation. haha. Right now we got 8 people with bautismo dates and I am really hoping they make it. Today we are in San Martin for P-day and district meeting with two other elders. This gospel really is awesome and I am glad that I have the opportunity to serve here. The people are good. Lots of our investigator's struggle with having faith and this week my testimony of faith really has gotten stronger. My favorite scripture I have found this week is Alma 32:21

21 Y ahora bien, como decía concerniente a la fe: La fe no es tener un conocimiento perfecto de las cosas; de modo que si tenéis fe, tenéis esperanza en cosas que no se ven, y que son verdaderas.

Este es my favorito escritura. Mi testimonio es fe. Solo mediante fe podemos saber este es la iglesia de Jesucristo. Mediante fe yo se puedo vivir con mi familia otra vez. Este evangelio es mi felicidad. Aunque mi conocimiento es no perfecto yo tengo un esperanza por todos cosas.

I hope all is well back at home. Sure miss and love you all.

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

October 22, 2018

Another week down over here in El Colorado! It has been a good one. I don't even remember to much of what has happened. We have been teaching ALOT of nuevos right now. Thursday night we did division's with our zone leaders and that was good. That night we ate Gridos ice cream and me and my companion got sick. Fast forward to Saturday we had a activity night and about seven kids showed up. Like only one is a member. Sunday two of our investigadores came to church which made me so happy! The father is an ex pastor I found him my first week here. He believes lots of stuff we do so we have fasted a lot for his family. Hopefully we can set a baptism date for November! We have 10 people with baptismal dates right now but we would be lucky if anyone makes it. Today we are in Resistencia with our zone. Overall doing good out here. There is a lot of work to be done. I think we are traveling down here to Resistencia a few more times for legalization and conferences. Sure do miss everyone back at home. Love you all

Elder Ty Logan Stucki

October 15, 2018

Hola Family!
This week flew by! We have found lots of new investigators but it is so hard to go back for another lesson. Right now we are teaching lots of kids they are really cool. Their parents do not really care for our religion though. The aspect of family's is destroyed here. Like no one has real marriages. Lots of families are separated. Being here has really made me grateful for all I have back at home. On Thursday me and Elder Young were walking towards the colonies and two drunk guys came up to me and were starting a fight with me. haha I was laughing and my companion gave his friend a Book of Mormon. They just waste our time though so we usually just ignore them. On Friday a guy named Horae approached me in the street and I talked with him for a minute and he asked us to go to his house and we did. Hopefully he has progress. 
The work here in El Colorado is pretty hard right now but I know as long as we put in the work we will see progress. Saturday we had a game night but only 2 kids came. Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. We had 10 investigators who where supposed to come to church so we rented a remise aka a taxi and only 1 person came!!! After church we went to President Ayarllas house for lunch. I ate a CHICKENS NECK! ha ha The food was good. Today we are just hanging out in our little church. It is spring right now here. The weather is probably in the 90's but high humidity! We walk everywhere here. That's about it here in El Colorado. Hope everyone back at home is doing good. Sure miss and love you all.
Elder Ty Logan Stucki